Youth Ministry
Our Youth Ministry has something for everyone. Our meetings and events are full of fun, food, friends and faith. Friendships are made while participating in meetings and events.
Try being a part of something bigger that is bigger than yourself. What are you looking for? What will make you happy? Ultimately, it is the same thing, Christ. We find happiness through service, fun, fellowship, events and much more. Come and experience this for yourself.
All are welcome. Bring a friend if you want. The friends you bring to events don’t have to be members of our parish, in fact, they don’t even have to be Catholic. Check us out!
Girls in 1st through 4th Grade
Sundays (first & fourth)
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
First Meeting: Sunday, September 2024
Study of Saints
Reflection, application and instruction on how to apply specific virtues.
Using the Bible
Learning how to find and read Scripture
Lectio Devina (very introductory level)
Hail Mary in Latin and Spanish
Fun faith-inspired crafts/games
Service projects and food

Blue Knights
This program is focused on the virtues, characteristics and qualities of a true young man of God. There is a focus on the lives of particular male Saints and how they used their faith and love for God to overcome obstacles and to live a life of truth.
The inspiration for this program is St. Joseph himself. We take into consideration the different ages of the boys, so the instruction and hands-on activities will differ. We are blessed to have two amazing Catholic men from our parish facilitate this group.
Growing in virtue and the study of the Saints.
Cool crafts and hands-on activities.
Onsite service projects.
Making friendships that will grow with time and grow in a sense of a true Catholic boys’ community.
Field trips, sports, games and fun
All boys: 1st through 5th Grade are welcome to join.
Meetings are on 2 - Sundays of each month.
(second and third)
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Saint Joseph Room - Parish Life Center
Our first meeting: October 2024.
You may join at any time.

Girls in 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
Sundays (second & third)
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
First Meeting: October 2024
We will focus on the girl’s gifts and talents and how to recognize them. Perspective is core when we discuss the many issues of their lives and knowing they are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and perfect in the eyes of God their Father.
Using the Bible
Knowing how God speaks to us specifically in His Word
Lectio Devina and journaling
Small group discussions, games and lots of laughs
Service projects and field trips
Creating a community of Sisters in Christ
Girls in 5th Grade
Sundays (second & third)
9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
First Meeting: October 2024
The group inspiration is St. Catherine of Sienna, who said:
“Be what God meant for you to be,
and you will set the world on fire.”
Girls will learn how to overcome some of the difficult obstacles in today’s world and their friend circles at this age using their faith and God’s Word to make it happen.
Study of Saints, reflection, application
Instruction on how to apply specific virtues.
Using the Bible
Lectio Devina
Knowing how to turn to God’s Word in all circumstances
Small group discussions
Faith-inspired crafts/games
Service projects and food

Theology of the Body -
Sisters of Strength
Girls in 9th through 12th Grade are welcome.
We will meet twice a month on Sundays, (second/third)
From: 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
First Meeting, October 13, 2024
This study cuts through the noise and introduces you to the truth about your body and your sexuality. We navigate challenging topics, including gender, pornography, and same-sex “marriage.” Learn what healthy relationships look and how to have them. Navigate the lies that come at them all day long and find the truth about yourself and who you are.

Adult Volunteers
We need you! Our adult volunteers help run our awesome youth ministry events.
Parents can help in several ways such as chaperones, drivers, attend events, and help with special programs like the Live Nativity at Christmas and special youth dinners.
See below for more information on the necessary volunteer clearances.
Helpful Information
Registration and Forms
Attending our special events is cool! Make sure you have the correct registration and permission forms.
Parent Questionnaire | 2018 -19
Consent for Electronic Communication with Minors
Blaze Registration | 2024-2025
Little Flowers Registration | 2024-2025
Junior High Edge Registration | 2024-2025
Young Women of Grace | 2024-2025 - coming
High School Crossroads Registration | 2024-2025
Steubenville Youth Conference Registration - coming
High School Volleyball Registration - coming
Please learn more about the special
clearances needed to be a volunteer.