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“I am the resurrection and the life.

The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.

- John 11:25-26 

Funeral Planning

We’re here to help you during this difficult time. Our clergy, staff and members of our Bereavement Ministry will work with you to plan your loved one’s funeral mass and answer any questions related to preparing for funerals and options available in funeral planning.

We can help you navigate through the funeral planning process. We’ll support you in planing the liturgy for the Mass and provide ongoing support for you and your family. 

If you have questions or need help planning a funeral, you can call the parish office.


The Corporal Works of Mercy include comforting the dying and burying the dead.

Our Bereavement Ministry serves families who have lost a loved one.The members of this ministry personally reach out to grieving families with comfort and support.

We focus on the living, providing aid for the grieving families of our OLG Parish community by sharing our time, hearing their thoughts, and connecting them to healing opportunities that will help them through their sorrow.


For more information please contact:

Erica Rafferty 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

 Doylestown, PA.​

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All Souls Day

During the month of November, OLG remembers your loved ones in a special way.

On All Souls Day a special memorial mass is held in the evening for the parish community.

Parishioners are invited to place a photo of their loved ones on a table in front of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine.

Photos will remain in the shrine throughout the month of November.

Comforting the Sorrowful

Be open to listening and comforting those who are dealing with grief. 

Even if we aren't sure of the right words to say, our presence can make a big difference.

  • Lend a listening ear to those going through a tough time

  • Make a home cooked meal for a friend who is facing a difficult time

  • Write a letter or send a card to someone who is suffering

  • A few moments of your day may make a lifetime of difference to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Helpful Links
Log into "FORMED" today and take a look at these books:

Death, Where is your Sting?

A Catholic Approach to Death

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Heaven

But Never Dreamed of Asking

Ministry Contact: Evelyn Walsh

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