Memorial opportunities
At Our Lady of Guadalupe there are many ways you can recognize your personal intentions, honor a loved one, acknowledge a special event or offer sympathy. Your special intentions can be offered with a mass card, a sanctuary or shrine candle, participation in the memorial mass league, or a donation via our memorial legacy program.
Learn more about these opportunities below.

Sanctuary and OLG Shrine Candles
The Sanctuary and OLG Shrine Candles burn continuously as a reminder to all who enter that Jesus is truly present in the Tabernacle.
The suggested donation for these candles is $15.
All candle intentions will be for one week.
Visit the parish office to reserve your candle.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Candles (3)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Sanctuary Candle
Saint Juan Diego Chapel Sanctuary Candle
Saint Juan Bernadino Chapel Sanctuary Candle (Rectory)
Mass Cards
Announced and Unannounced Masses
Giving a Mass card, and with it the promise of the Eucharist being celebrated for a particular intention is a way of expressing support, sympathy and care for a relative or friend or simply to thank God for favors received.
You can request an announced or unannounced Mass to be said for a living or deceased family member, friend or loved one at the parish office.
The suggested offering for announced masses is $15 and $10 for unannounced masses.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Memorial Mass League
Remember both living and deceased loved ones as well as any other special intentions on a monthly basis for a designated period of time. On the first full weekend of the month, a Mass will be offered for all those who are enrolled in the OLG Memorial Mass League. We will also remember them in a special way during the General Intercessions of that Mass. The names will be listed in the parish bulletin on the weekend which the Mass is offered. Those enrolled in the Mass League will also share in the prayers, sacrifices and good works of the members of the Parish Prayer Team.
Following are the levels offered along with suggested donation:
3 months - $50.00
6 months - $100.00
1 year - $150.00
Perpetual - $500.00

Prayer Requests
To be a member of the “Prayer Team” or to submit a prayer request, contact the Parish Office or submit your request here. All prayer requests will be removed after four weeks.
Active Military Prayer Requests
Throughout the year, we recognize all current, former and deceased members of the U.S. Military. Let’s especially pray for the active military members who are part of our parish family and those related to our parish family.
If you have a family member who is currently serving in the Military (or if you want them removed from this prayer list), please send their rank, full name and their Division of the Armed Services to olguadbulletin@gmail.com.
Give of Your Talent and Time
At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish we have more than 40 active ministries that you are welcome to join. Express yourself spiritually, strengthen your faith, make some friends and get involved!

Legacy Gifts
There are many opportunities for you to become a part of a memorial legacy by dedicating specific items within the church, chapel, parish life center and courtyard in memory of special loved ones, living or deceased, or special intentions. These items may be artistic, structural, liturgical, devotional or functional.
A memorial legacy can be selected from a large variety of items such as a church pew, a kneeler, artwork in the church, statues, chapel chairs and so much more.
In recognition of your generosity, the name of the people to whom you choose to pay tribute will be honored with an engraving on the item, included on the memorial plaque in the church narthex or in the memorial legacy book.
If you wish to memorialize an item, please see the items available and the memorial legacy form.
Call the parish office if you have any questions about memorial opportunities. Thank you for your generosity.

Do you want to remember or honor your loved ones in a unique way?