Monsignor Reports
Monsignor's Reports
Monsignor Gentili frequently suggests interesting articles from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Archbishop Chaput, Pope Frances and more. To be an informed Catholic it’s important to be aware of the key Catholic issues that are happening in our community and world.
Monsignor has also written articles on various issues that affect our parish community.
Current News

Did you know that 1 in 5 people across the Greater Philadelphia area rely on the Catholic Charities Appeal for help and hope each year?
They are our neighbors, and they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They are seeking comfort, support, and dignity in the face of challenges many of us cannot imagine. Your generosity touches their lives in profound ways because you embody Christ’s compassionate love and mercy by coming to their aid.
My recent pastoral letter, reflected on our shared call to renewal and to become Missionary Disciples. We are called to rebuild trust, extend Christ's love to those distant from the Church, and invite everyone into a deeper encounter with Him.
You are living out this mission through your support of the Catholic Charities Appeal—bringing hope to the vulnerable, comfort to the suffering, and light to those in darkness. Together, as Missionary Disciples, we can ensure that everyone in our community knows they have a home in the Church and that God loves them beyond measure.”
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Current News
Statement from -

Many of the challenges involved with immigration have been at the forefront of local and national consciousness over the past several days. With sadness, I have witnessed a broad variety of reactions to this topic marked by heightened anxiety, fear, anger, and polarization.
As Catholics, we discern immigration matters guided by prayerful hearts in a manner that seeks justice, charity, and dignity for all human beings while embracing a shared responsibility to ensure the safety of our communities and our country.
Christ’s call to welcome the stranger and His commandment stating, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me,” (Mt. 25:40) are at the heart of our calling to see the face of Jesus in all those we meet and to be an instrument of His compassionate love. This fundamental precept compelling us to love is especially important when we encounter those on the margins of society, including migrants and refugees.
The Philadelphia region has a long history of welcoming people from other lands who are fleeing oppression and seeking better opportunities for themselves and their families. Our area is home to many immigrants. Some are recent arrivals. Others have lived and worked here for years. All of them are our brothers and sisters. They were created in the image and likeness of God. They deserve dignity, respect, compassion, and fairness.
At the same time, we recognize the need of civil authorities to enact measures that provide for the common good. Those measures include immigration policies that safeguard the life, liberty, and property of all those who call the United States of America home, natural born citizens and those working toward citizenship alike.
Serious and carefully thought out immigration policy reforms are needed that will blend dignity, mercy, and justice. It is my hope that such reforms will prevent the separation of families and abuses committed by traffickers, provide for a timelier and more cost effective process to achieve citizenship, and allow law enforcement to deter those who would cause harm to our society from entering the country.
Reaching that point will require wisdom, courage, and a peaceful spirit from our elected officials and from each of us. We turn to our loving Father in prayer.
Almighty God, We seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our society, and how the Gospel calls us to respond as faithful citizens.
We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see and hear each other as equal brothers and sisters with dignity.
We ask for minds and hearts that carefully discern the actions of civic leaders. May they hear your Word and live out your loving example.
We ask for the courage to voice support for policies that bring us closer to your Kingdom.
Hear our prayers for wisdom and peace throughout our land, now and always.
Grant all this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Current News
The Announcement of Easter and Moveable Feasts - 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so by leave of God’s mercy we announce to you the joy of his Resurrection, who is our Savior.
On the 5th day of March will fall Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season.
On the 20th day of April you will celebrate with joy Easter Day, the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.
On the 29th day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
On the 8th day of June, the feast of the Pentecost.
On the 22nd day of June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
On the 30th day of November, the First Sunday of Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
In Christ,
Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili

Current News

My heart was filled with great joy to learn that Pope Francis will canonize Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati as saints next year!
This news ushers in great celebration for the Universal Church and especially for young Catholics. Blessed Carlo will be the first saint from the Millennial Generation and Blessed Pier Giorgio is a model of Missionary Discipleship for young adults leading busy lives while searching for true fulfillment.
Blessed Carlo, who died in 2016 at age 15, is an inspiration for children and adolescents through his passion for using technology to evangelize and share his devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist. Blessed Pier Giorgio, who died in 1925 at age 24, is a model for young adults through his dedication to serving the poor in urban areas while balancing university studies, social activism, and daily prayer.
Both of these saintly young men reflect the call for today’s youth and young adults to live out their Catholic faith with courage, compassion, and divine love. Blessed Carlo, in particular, holds a special place in the heart of our local Church. We were blessed to host his mother, Antonia Salvano Acutis last fall when she spoke about her son’s love and devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist at our Eucharistic Congress. Her reflections filled us with wonder and awe. They still resonate as we strive to follow in the footsteps of her son.
I pray that the inspiration flowing from Blessed Carlo and Blessed Pier Giorgio will fuel the zealous hearts of our young people to serve others with Christ as their model. All Catholics should rejoice, as I do, in the canonization of saints for our time and for those who will inherit the Church on earth.
Blessed Carlo and Blessed Pier Giorgio pray for us!
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
# # #
Editor’s Note: Blessed Carlo Acutis will be canonized on April 27 during the Jubilee for Adolescents in Rome April 25 to 27, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati during the Jubilee of Young People in Rome July 28 to August 3.
Current News
Safety and Security at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish
Updated October 2024 by Monsignor Joseph Gentili, S.T.D., M. Div.
The safety and security of our parishioners and guests on our parish campus are of an utmost priority to me as we gather to worship and other activities, not only on Sundays, but throughout the week. While not totally a new phenomenon in the practice of our faith throughout history, more recent incidents with regard to acts of violence at places of worship, have shaken all of us. It has raised an elevated level of concern and fear as it directly impacts us and our ability to gather to worship God without fear or threats of violence.
Following is an update on what has been going on behind the scenes at our parish. The Safety and Security Team was formed because of a recommendation from our Parish Pastoral Council. Here is some important information which I trust you will find helpful and ease some of your concerns.

The dedicated Safety and Security Team is comprised of parish volunteers who have backgrounds in law enforcement and safety/security in various other fields and has been in place for more than four years.
The team continues to review our already established standard operating procedures (SOP) and stay abreast of current guidelines.
The team works closely with the Buckingham Township Police Department and other law enforcement agencies. The team also continue to assess the needs of our parish and make adjustments, given the parish resources.
Our volunteer parish ushers continue to review, update, and prepare for the medical and other emergency situations that could arise. They are familiar with what needs to be in place to keep our Church safe.
Extensive work has been completed on our parish campus to enhance security. This includes hardware and software updates to help us in this endeavor, including the installation of alarm and security camera systems.
If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to a member of the Safety and Security Team. You may contact the parish office at 267-247-5374 or info@olguadalupe.org and the staff will connect you with a member of the team.
I am most grateful to all the members of the Security and Safety Team for their commitment and dedication to our parish and demonstrating the Our Lady of Guadalupe Difference. I will continue to update you as appropriate and needed.
The team consists of a number of parishioners who have consulted with us over the years to assure our parish safety. Click the link below to read the entire update and view our current Leadership Team.
Current News
Liturgical Updates
at Our Lady of Guadalupe
Announcement for Reinstituting Holy Communion under Both Species
In consultation with the Liturgy Committee and the Pastoral Council, I have decided to begin the process of reintroducing the distribution of Holy Communion under both species, that is the Sacred Host and Precious Blood, for weekday Masses and to the ministers at the Altar for Sunday Masses. You may recall this was our practice prior to the outbreak of COVID in 2020. This will be a precursor for the possibility of offering the option at all Masses on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, with some exceptions as determined in advance by Msgr. Gentili in consultation with the clergy of the parish.
As you may already be aware, receiving Holy Communion under both forms is highly encouraged by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which is a resource for the guidelines and regulations concerning the celebration of Mass. This practice allows for the congregation to have a more authentic experience of receiving Holy Communion as it was originally instituted by Christ at the Last Supper, as well as during the early history of the Church.

You may also be aware that receiving from the cup is an option and that the true and real presence of the entire risen body of Christ is present in each of the species as we were reminded this past summer during our Eucharist Homily Series in August. I assure you that all precautions will be taken regarding appropriate hygiene and the sharing of the chalice. You are also reminded that should you not be feeling well in any way, I recommend that you not receive from the cup.
Thank you for your attention to this announcement. The first part of this practice will commence on the first Sunday of Advent, 2024 with the possibility of expanding the practice to all parishioners at the Masses on the First Sunday of Lent, 2025.
Update on Prayer for Catholic Evangelization
Three years ago, as a part of our preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress held in Indianapolis, Indiana in July, we began the practice of praying St. John Paul II’s Prayer for Catholic Evangelization at the end of the Universal Prayer. This prayer was very helpful in making us aware of the importance each person’s personal role of assisting the Church in the task of evangelization, spreading the Gospel. The preparation for and the celebration of the Eucharistic Congress was and continues to be a success.
After consultation with the Liturgy Committee and the Pastoral Council I have decided to bring the practice of the public recitation of St. John Paull II’s Prayer for Catholic Evangelization to a close.
You are most welcome to continue the practice privately. We will conclude the practice on the weekend of September 28/29, 2024
Update on Prayer of Saint Michael after Mass and introduction of Hail Holy Queen
The USCCB encouraged all parishes throughout the United States to begin the practice of reciting the prayer of Saint Michael after the celebration of all Mass. Coincidently, we had already recited the prayer as a part of our local tradition after our weekday Masses. The bishops encouraged this optional practice in light of attacks on religious liberties and our Church in recent years.
After consultation with the members of the Liturgy Committee and the Parish Pastoral Council, I wish to inform you while we will continue this optional prayer as a part of our local tradition, we will substitute the Hail Holy Queen prayer in its place for the months traditionally know to be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, namely October and May.
I trust you will find this innovation helpful in your spiritual lives as we conclude our Masses.
This adjustment will take place on October 1, 2024.

Current News
Deacon Alfredo Tuesta, M.Div., Ph.D.
Deacon Alfredo was ordained a transitional deacon on April 6, 2024 for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, and will be at Our Lady of Guadalupe for the 2024-2025 school year.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
I am Deacon Alfredo, a transitional deacon of the Diocese of Arlington. In less than a year I will be ordained, God willing and with your prayers, as a priest of Jesus Christ.
I was born in Lima, Peru and moved to NJ with my immediate family when I was ten years old. I studied mechanical engineering at the University of Notre Dame and did my graduate studies at Purdue University focusing on laser diagnostics of plasma systems. After graduation, I was hired by the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC and that is how I moved to Virginia in January of 2015.
I very much enjoyed research in science and engineering but after a few years of doing what I had sought to do for so long, I discovered that I was not fully satisfied. With the help of spiritual mentors and much prayer, I was able to discern God’s call in 2019 and became a seminarian. I look forward to a life of intimacy with his Sacred Heart and to serving His flock at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.
Please keep me in prayer as I move forward in formation towards the priesthood.
May God bless you!

Current News
Pope Francis Proclaims 2025 -
Jubilee Papal Bull: ‘Hope Does Not Disappoint’
Vatican City, May 9, 2024 / 13:54 pm
The Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee was officially proclaimed on Thursday by Pope Francis, who presided over a formal reading of the Jubilee’s papal bull of indiction.
The papal bull, titled “Spes Non Confudit,” meaning “Hope Does Not Disappoint,” declares that the Jubilee Year will officially begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve 2024.
The pope further decreed that every Catholic cathedral around the world should offer Mass on Dec. 29, 2024, as the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year for their local communities. Pope Francis encouraged dioceses to organize pilgrimages to the cathedrals for the occasion.
Click the button below to read more.

Current News
New priests are young and involved in their community
The incoming class of seminarians who will be ordained in 2024 is young and involved in their community, an
annual survey released April 15 found.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned the Center for Applied Research (CARA) at Georgetown University for an annual survey. From January to March of this year, CARA surveyed almost 400 seminarians who are scheduled to be ordained to the priesthood in 2024.
Click the button below to read more.

Current News
Mission Co-Op Collection for Haiti
Haiti, September 27, 2023

Reverend Monsignor and my Brothers and Sisters from
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish,
Greetings of love and peace and best wishes in Christ from Haiti. I’m writing you this message with mixed feelings; joy of reaching out to you and the sadness of not being able to travel to the United States to talk to you directly. It’s been three years now that circumstances have not allowed me to obtain a visa as the U.S. Embassy has temporarily canceled the consulate service in Haiti.
I thank God for each and every one of you and for your friendship, prayers and continuous support of our missionary activities. In spite of the many discouraging obstacles and difficulties, our school is continuing to somehow offer a quality education to our youth. It is classified among the best schools in the North-East Department. This year we are happy to report to you that we have finally completed all the High School grades. Last July we sent our first batch of baccalaureates (2) to the official exams and the first results are very positive. We have succeeded with 92%. The first laureate for the entire department is from our Saint Jean-Bosco School. This rewards someway our joint efforts. These efforts could not be achieved without your incredible support.
Monsignor, thank you so much for your caring attention to our cause. Thank you to each and every one of you, my brothers and sisters, on behalf of our students, parents, our school staff and all Saint Anne’s parish and our own name.
Since the murder of the president Jovenel Moïse, it is shocking to witness daily the degradation of the situation here. The insecurity has escalated; worsening the condition of the people already deprived of a suitable living. Left by themselves, many people are fleeing all over the place leaving behind everything as the increasing gangs are killing at will, stealing, kidnapping and raping without fear. The government seems weak to resolve these challenges.
The U.S. State Department has encouraged all U.S. citizens to leave Haiti as soon as they can, and the Dominican Republic has also closed all its borders. This makes our living even harder. Hope and faith are the only thing left. People seek urgent help and we need your support. Changes are slow, very slow, and can happen only if everyone and everywhere could do something at every level for Haiti. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we do pray for you.
Again, I express my heartfelt gratitude for your patience and loving attention. “whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it on to me”.
May God shower blessings upon you all for your undeniable generosity.
Fr. Mubakanda Bavon Marie, cicm Haiti
Building Our Future:
The Comprehensive Campaign for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

Dear Friends in Christ,
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is the oldest Catholic institution of higher learning in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The seminary began in 1832 ~ on the upper floor of Bishop Kenrick’s residence on Fifth Street ~ with five men seeking to respond to God’s call. By 1871, Saint Charles Seminary needed more space and a new home at the intersection of Lancaster and City Line Avenues. Over the past 150 years it has grown and changed at that location. Today, we welcome a diverse array of people each year as they embark on a formational journey to become priests, deacons, catechists, and lay men and women seeking to embrace ministerial roles who will be servant leaders after the Heart of Jesus Christ. As priest alumni of Saint Charles, we are filled with deep gratitude for the way it prepared us to serve the Church we love.
As you know from your own personal experience, spiritual journeys, and the places we call home, evolve over time. The seminary’s ongoing evolution has brought us to a new chapter and the hope-filled prospect of a new home in Lower Gwynedd Township. We look forward to transforming our physical space into one that will flourish as a house of formation preparing priests, deacons, and other leaders for our Church for generations to come.
We are asking you to be a part of the Building Our Future: The Comprehensive Campaign for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary because we know you share our love for the seminary and its mission. Please partner with us and walk with the seminarians and students who will come to us at the seminary’s new location. While this is an extensive undertaking, together we will ensure that our vibrant seminary community of committed disciples has every opportunity to succeed. Be assured of our prayers for you and your intentions. Saint Charles Borromeo, pray for us!
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia
Chancellor, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Recommended Reading from Monsignor
Practical Ways to Cultivate Chastity in Body, Mind, and Heart
Lust is a brutal sin to combat. Once yielded to, it has a way of seizing hold of us and sinking in deep roots. At times, the struggle against it can seem overwhelming. There is good news, though: there are many practical steps we can take to say “No!” to this sin and “Yes!” to God.

Current News
Dear Parishioners,
Pro-abortion forces in the PA House of Representatives want to take essential funds away from pregnancy resource centers around the Commonwealth. I personally encourage you to participate in this important initiative to support the organizations that help mothers and fathers say “yes” to life.
Please click link below to Help Pregnant Women and send an immediate message to your state lawmakers to preserve funding for pregnancy resource centers.
In Christ
Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili

Current News
Learn more about the Permanent Diaconate
We are thankful to have Deacon Brady as part of the Our Lady of Guadalupe family! If you are interested in learning more about the permanent diaconate watch the video, check out the website or reach out to Deacon Brady or Monsignor Gentili.
Current News
Making A Good Confession
- Monsignor William J. King

The sacrament of reconciliation is depicted in a stained-glass window at St. Aloysius Church in Great Neck, N.Y. (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz)
A father watched his young son at work in the garden.
Instructed to remove the weeds, the son eagerly took up the challenge, taking garden clippers and lopping off the stems as close to ground level as he could maneuver. He assured his father that the weeds were gone, never to return, but the father knew better: without removing their roots the weeds would grow back.
Making a good confession of our sins is like weeding the garden of the soul. Most of us have the experience of assuring our heavenly Father that we have removed all the weeds, but unless we attack them at their roots, we’ll confess the same sins again and again.
It takes work to make a good confession. Focusing on behaviors and actions alone is like taking garden clippers to weeds: we may for a time cut off the parts we can see, but hidden within the soil of our behaviors the roots of sin are still growing. The real power of the Sacrament of Penance is unleashed when we expose the roots to God’s grace.

Monsignor's Articles
2022 - The Relics at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Catholic Philly: Across the Aisles Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
2017 - Crossing the Finish Line, Monsignor Talk at All Masses

recommended reading
Lenten Video homilies
Here you will find recordings of Lenten Homilies beginning in 2018.