PREP - Parish Religious Education Program
OLG PREP educates children in the Catholic Church tradition with spiritually based tools to foster wonder and love for all that is true, good, and beautiful. Our program provides a classic educational approach. Students are encouraged to read, speak, and think well, understanding that truth and beauty are desirable for their own sake.
PREP students will explore two thousand years of Catholic cultural wisdom through history, art, and spiritual ideology. Teachers will nurture the growth of self-knowledge, supporting students in acquiring the character to live happy, balanced lives in service to others, and to God. A comprehensive religious education extends beyond the classroom, it’s an opportunity to transform one’s life.
Our Lady of Guadalupe families who fully participate in parish life and assist with the spiritual education of its children contribute to an increased spiritual well-being that brings each child closer to God.
Our PREP program is for children in first grade through eighth grade. Children make the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist in second grade and Confirmation in eighth grade.
PREP 2021 - 2022
Start Date for 2021 - 2022:
Lessons posted, September 27, 2020
As you know 2020 is a year full of changes. Well, welcome to one more change. Our OLG PREP program has transitioned to digital and we have worked hard to bring our Parish's children an enriching online learning experience!
This year will begin with instruction through a dynamic online teaching series created by the Sophia Institute.
Please watch the videos below to learn more about the new format we have selected, and the benefits this program will provide to grow your child's religious education.

All student assignments for PREP will be completed online for 1st grade through 8th. Students in 7th and 8th Grade will be assigned one virtual lesson to be completed over a two-week period. Catechist led ZOOM sessions are available weekly, Mondays and Tuesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m for students in 1st grade through 6th, and bi-weekly for 7th and 8th graders. Our catechists will be available during these times to answer any questions regarding assignments.
These sessions are not mandatory.
New Class Schedule
All student assignments completed online:
1st through 6th Grades:
Weekly: ZOOM sessions with live catechist
Mondays or Tuesdays
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
7th & 8th Grades:
Bi-weekly: ZOOM sessions with live catechist
Mondays or Tuesdays
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
Changes to our program
Please watch these instructional videos to learn more.
Welcome Back
PREP Online Plan
Welcome back to a year full of changes, one of which is an all digital PREP experience! Our year will commence with a dynamic online teaching series created by the Sophia Institute. We have created a PREP online plan to help make this transition as easy as possible.
Please watch this video to learn about all of the updates to our current program.
Sophia Digital - Login Overview
Spirit of Truth Digital Edition
This a completely-digital platform available via app or browser – not just a digitized book. Through the program our catechist is able to assign and track assignments, grade and communicate with
students and parents, plus assist remotely as needed.
Please watch this video to learn how to login to the learning software.
Basic System Requirements:
Student App: Tablet computer with iOS 12.0 or later; Android 6.0 or later; Browsers Chrome 81.0 or later, Safari 13.0 or later, or Edge 83.0 or later.
PREP Class logins
Below are the login buttons for each PREP grade level. Please use the OLG "Student Grade" specific login and password shared with you through email from our PREP leaders.
Once logged into the OLG "Student Grade" specific webpage, your student will have all of the tools to enter the Sophia Institutes Digital Program. The Spirit of Truth digital edition houses everything the student will need to participate in the online religious education program. Your student will also receive a copy of the grade appropriate text book and workbook to complement their online learning experience.
Sacramental Dates -

First Reconciliation:
February, 2020
Confirmation Retreat:
Spring, 2021
Confirmation: None for 2020.
Spring, 2021
First Holy Communion Retreat:
Spring, 2021
Holy Communion:
Fall, October 2020
Spring, April, 2021
PREP Sacramental Calendar 2020 - 2021
The PREP calendar is merged into the
Please refer to the Sunday bulletin and
Parish Calendar for all current dates.
Helpful Links -
PREP Forms and Letters:
2020 - 2021 PREP Scope and Sequence
2020 - 2021 PREP Tuition Information
2020 - 2021 PREP Online Registration
School Closing Information:
NBC – Channel 10
KYW – 1060 AM Radio
Our school closing number is 1165.
Parent and Teacher Resources:
Resources for Religious Education - coming soon.

Director of Religious Education:
Daniel Drain